Cleaning your bathroom after a flooded toilet can be an extremely messy job for any homeowner in Huntington Beach, CA. Completing a sewer cleanup project quickly and efficiently is crucial to protecting your home and family from additional harm. To properly clean your bathroom, follow these four steps.

1. Remove Debris

Once you shut off water flow to your flooded toilet, you need to remove standing water and debris. You may also need to remove saturated drywall and any wet insulation.

To prevent excessive exposure to disease-carrying bacteria, you should wear gloves as you handle contaminated items and thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water. In addition, develop a plan to dispose of debris without contaminating clean areas of your home.

2. Wash and Sanitize Surfaces

To continue the sewer cleanup, you need to wash every contaminated surface with hot water and detergent. This includes the floor, walls, baseboards and toilet. You also need to wipe down any soiled cabinets or doors. Next, you need to sanitize washed surfaces with a disinfectant solution or water and bleach mixture.

3. Allow Space to Dry

After sanitizing your bathroom, allow the area to thoroughly dry. Open the windows and use fans or a dehumidifier to expedite the process. Make sure that no moisture remains before you replace damaged drywall and insulation.

4. Wash Contaminated Fabric

You must wash and disinfect or throw away the clothes you wore during the cleanup process and any rugs, towels or clothing touched by sewage water. To properly sanitize items, either steam clean them or wash them in water and bleach.

As Good as New

A sewer backup is an unwelcome surprise that requires a timely response. Some homeowners may not wish to tackle a messy sewer cleanup themselves. If you need assistance, a professional cleanup and restoration team can help you complete the project and return your bathroom to its former glory.
