When you’re a business owner, winter is an intimidating season. Sales are down. Water pipes splinter. Employees get sick. Winter storms and freezing temperatures threaten the community. Anything happens. It’s crucial to be prepared for this damaging season so your business runs for years to come. Here are four different winter threats to look out for as a business owner: 

  • Property Damage
  • Power Outages
  • Property Fires
  • Falling Trees/Branches

Property Damage During Winter

Most homeowners know about the potential for freezing pipes or roofs caving in, but the same threats still apply when owning a business. 

Freezing pipes are a notorious characteristic of winter and pose a threat to office safety. Water may pool in the ceiling, which leads to dripping on employees causing a possible public health hazard. 

The threat of roofs caving after severe winter weather is an event you should be aware of. Roofs that cave in cost thousands in repair, and also pose other dangerous risks if it happens during business hours. 

Power Outages During Winter

Property owners use more power in the winter than they use in the summer, so power outages are more likely to happen during the winter. Studies show that the amount of power we use in the winter has trended upward during the last couple of years. 

This means that you could be part of the millions that lose power every year. Power outages at your business cost you time, money, and precious heat. Prepare your staff and the building for any unplanned outages. Keep blankets and an additional reliable heat source available in case of an emergency. 

Fires During Winter

Most people associate fires with the hottest season of the summer, but many fires happen during the winter season! This is because the use of candles, space heaters and holiday decorations is at a high during the winter months!

The National Fire Protection Association said fires started from candles are most prone to happen in winter. Combine the forgotten candles with dangling holiday decorations and arid winter temperatures, and this makes for a perfect fire starter. Not only do candles cause fires in the winter, so do space heaters. If your employees are using candles or space heaters in the office, make sure the candles are put out and the space heaters are always turned off before leaving the building. Be on the lookout for any possible fire hazards, especially during the winter, so you avoid needing fire damage restoration! 

Falling Tree Limbs After Snow 

If your business is next to trees, you are at risk of falling branches, especially during the winter. Because of snow and colder temperatures, tree limbs and branches are more likely to snap and fall. A branch falling on your building may result in a hole in your roof or worse, potentially costing thousands. Before winter hits, trim any branches that are too close to your commercial building. If any branches look like they are at risk of breaking and falling soon, call a professional team to assist you in removing the dangerous limbs! 

If you also have power lines near your business location, branches fall on these lines, too. This means that snow-burdened branches may also cause power outages or even electrical fires. Be aware of the placement of the trees on your property before it’s too late! 

Avoid Winter Weather Damage

If you’re a business owner, safety is a top priority. Creating a safe environment for your employees is essential for a thriving business. Plus, when your employees know you care about their well-being, the workplace turns into a productive hotspot built on connection and respect. 

Knowing the dangers of the winter season is the first step in prevention. Prepare your commercial property before winter weather strikes or unexpected fire damages occur. If you have any questions on how to better plan for the turbulent times of winter, contact our team at JGB Restoration. We specialize in commercial property damage restoration and know exactly how to help keep your business safe!
