A Few Tips After the Fire

Having a house fire is one of the most devastating events you could suffer. Widespread damage could occur. A fire could even destroy your Huntington Beach, CA, home and belongings. To give you some peace of mind and financial help, fire insurance is available. This coverage should be part of your homeowner's policy. If you need to start a fire restoration process, make sure you take the right steps to involve your insurance provider. 

1. Contact a Disaster Relief Company
After emergency responders put out the fire, you'll want to get in touch with a professional fire restoration team as soon as possible. Professionals will come to your home to assess the extent of the damage. A certified technician can give you an estimate of how much the repairs and restoration will cost and how long the process will take. 

2. Contact Your Fire Insurance Company
Next, call your insurance representative to inform them of the incident. Be ready to answer basic questions such as where the fire occurred, how much damage there was and how the fire started (if you know). You should also provide details such as what materials and belongings were damaged or ruined and whether there were any injuries. 

3. Provide Supporting Evidence
If it's safe to do so, take pictures of the damage the fire caused. You can also make notes and document what items were lost and what the cost to replace them will be. 

4. File the Claim
You can then officially fire a claim to repair your home, do smoke cleaning and handle all other restoration needs. Your insurance company will coordinate with the restoration team in this effort. Technicians will then start the cleanup and rebuild process for your home. 

Suffering a house fire can be distressing, to say the least. Fire restoration can be an easier ordeal to go through if you properly fire a fire insurance claim.
